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Leaving a Bequest to the CHDS Association

“The reason I included the CHDS Association in my estate planning is because attending CHDS put my career on a higher trajectory and that has been enhanced by the networking and friendships made through the program and the Association. My desire is that future generations of homeland security professionals have those same opportunities.“
Bentley Nettles, CHDS Master’s Degree Alumnus, Cohort CA0805/0806

Designating the CHDS Association in your will or as a beneficiary of your life insurance is a great way to provide a lasting gift that supports homeland security education and continued networking and learning of homeland security leaders. If you die without a will, the laws of your state will decide how your estate is divided. If you wish to have a say in how your estate is distributed, you must have a will or living trust. We encourage you to work with an experienced attorney to create a will or living trust that accomplishes goals for your estate and to determine the tax benefits of including the CHDS Association as a beneficiary.

There are several ways you can provide support for CHDS Association activities in your estate planning, including designating:
·         A fixed dollar amount
·         A percentage of your estate, or
·         The residual after all other bequests have been distributed

Please contact CHDS alumnus, Bentley Nettles, to discuss the process for including the CHDS Association in your estate planning.

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