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About CHDS

The Center for Homeland Defense and Security is the nation’s homeland security educator. In the months following the 9-11 terrorist attacks, the U.S. Congress and Department of Justice partnered with the Naval Postgraduate School to establish a national institution to:

1.  Lead the development of the emerging field of homeland security education.​


2.  Educate government and business officials and build a national cadre of homeland security leaders with advanced skills in organizational collaboration and innovative policy and strategy development.

3. ​ Serve as a national resource to grow the country’s homeland security knowledge base and disseminate valuable research and educational materials.

4.​​​  Bring together in a neutral educational forum diverse professionals and organizations to discuss, debate and solve homeland security challenges.

Click here to watch an overview of CHDS

Since 2002, the Center has been the premier provider of homeland security graduate and executive level education. CHDS conducts educational programs to develop officials’ critical thinking, analytical and problem-solving skills so they are prepared to overcome obstacles and create new policies, strategies, programs and organizations to protect our nation.

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