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NPS Center for Homeland Defense and Security Alumni

CHDS alumni occupy senior leadership positions at all levels of government and in the private sector. As a result of their research and theses, alumni are recognized subject matter experts and asked to serve on national policy work groups and to provide advice on complex homeland security issues. The 1,500 alumni share common bonds that facilitate their collaboration and problem-solving across organizations and jurisdictional lines


Alumni remain very active in Center activities. They serve as guest speakers, promote the use of CHDS programs and
resources in their agencies, recruit new students, act as a think tank to assist the Department of Homeland Security, Congress and others to solve problems, and share information and assist each other daily through their own secure online forum – the Alumni Network.

When emergencies occur, it is often CHDS alumni who as police and fire chiefs, emergency management and public health directors, FBI agents, National Guard and Coast Guard officers and Department of Homeland Security officials lead the response and protect citizens and property.

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Click here to View the latest Alumni Hour



FEBRUARY 20-22, 2024

Monterey, California

Thank you letter to our APEX 2024 reception sponsors

The CHDS Association is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit public charity and contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent permitted by federal law. The Association is operated by volunteers and relies solely on the generous donations and corporate sponsorships of its supporters to fund its operations and homeland security educational activities. It is not part of the Department of Defense or any other government entity and has no governmental status

© 2018 CHDSA

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